Brioche Swirl Halloween Cake Pops
Prep: 30 Minutes
Serves: 6
“A fun and delicious Halloween treat for all the family”
Add a French twist to classic cake pops for Halloween using our Brioche Swirls and Chocolate Chip Brioche Swirls. A tasty treat and really easy to make, these Brioche Swirl Halloween Cake Pops are great to serve up for the whole family to enjoy. You could even make it a fun Halloween activity with the kids or serve as a spooky snack at your Halloween party. The only thing scary about these is how delicious they are!
- 6 St Pierre Brioche Swirls (vanilla, choc chip or a mix of both)
- 100g milk or dark cooking chocolate
- Assorted Halloween themed sugar sprinkles
- Bamboo skewers
- Break the chocolate into a microwaveable bowl and heat on medium power for 30 seconds at a time, stirring in between, until the chocolate has melted
- Pour out the sprinkles onto plates
- Dip the swirls into the melted chocolate before rolling in the sprinkles and pushing a skewer through the middle. Place on a rack to set
- Repeat for all six swirls. You can get creative with the designs of the chocolate and sprinkles, try doing a few different ones and see what you come up with
- Once the chocolate has set, enjoy!
Bon appétit!