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An overhead photo of croissants sliced in half and topped with goats cheese and drizzled with honey Christmas Food Trends

Christmas Goat Cheese & Honey Croissants

Prep: 10 minutes Serves: 8

An indulgent Christmas dish

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Mixing sweet and savoury, these goat cheese & honey croissants will go down a storm as an indulgent Christmas dish for whoever you’re celebrating with.

  • 4 St Pierre All Butter Croissants
  • 100g of soft goat cheese
  • Zest of 1 orange
  • Zest of 1 lemon
  • Fresh or dried thyme leaves
  • 2 tsp honey
  1. Warm the St Pierre All Butter Croissants as per the instructions on the pack
  2. Once heated, slice open the All Butter Croissants and liberally spread with the goat cheese
  3. Sprinkle with fresh or dried thyme leaves, orange and lemon zest and drizzle with honey

Bon appétit!

St Pierre Butter Croissant

Butter Croissant

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